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Havas PR Milan

Corporate & brand reputation
Sustainability & ESG communication
Brand Activism
Medical communication
Storytelling building
Content production

Welcome to Havas PR Milan

At Havas PR we develop purpose driven strategies: we build a value system capable of leveraging brand reputation. We identify a coherent storytelling that can be enhanced across all strategic business areas of the company. We create an emotional bond with consumers, through the involvement and verticality of stakeholders. Our mission is to facilitate, establish, maintain, strengthen, improve and govern the system of relations between companies, organizations and their main interlocutors: citizens, institutions, influencers and opinion leaders, non-governmental organizations, media.

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Becoming parents is an experience that more and more couples are giving up on due to a lack of economic, social, or psychological support. Generazione G is born to support struggling new parents and make the choice of parenthood a more serene step. The project has been created by Prénatal and then supported by multiple entities.

Uniti contro l’Alzheimer
Uniti contro l’Alzheimer

Progetto Multisponsor

To raise awareness about neurodegenerative diseases and give visibility to the Alliance against Alzheimer's, a series of multistakeholder conferences has been organized to engage institutions and ask for their greater commitment.


Eurocucina e Fuorisalone

A plan of brand enhancement and positioning, leveraging the presence of Elica at the Salone del Mobile and at Palazzo Litta, where the Fabriano based company presented an immersive installation designed by the Japanese studio We+. We managed the engagement of all strategic targets (media, experts, and trade) in Italy and in the brand’s key foreign markets (Germany, France, and Belgium).

Reckitt - Finish
Reckitt - Finish

Guida Turistica ai Deserti d’Italia

In 2022, a quick trip to southern Italy or the Alps was all it took to experience desert-like sensations. The Guida Turistica ai Deserti d’Italia led us on a quest to explore ten Italian deserts alongside well-known photographer Gabriele Galimberti: rivers transformed into hiking trails, lakes dried into dry lands, and landscapes no one would have expected to see and yet they were real.

The Adecco Group Italia
The Adecco Group Italia

Diamo forma al futuro del lavoro

In 2024, together with the Sustainability & Management Systems and Marketing & Communications Departments of The Adecco Group Italy, we worked on their first Sustainability Report. The document we developed aims to highlight the progress achieved by the company in creating value for all stakeholders in Italy. The cross-functional collaboration between the Sustainability and Creativity agency teams allowed us to develop a textual and visual narrative, aimed at showcasing The Adecco Group Italy's commitment to sustainability, reflected in their mission ‘Making the future work for everyone’.

Il Tortellante
Il Tortellante

Pasta Libera Tutti

Il Tortellante is a therapeutic and qualifying lab where autistic teenagers and adults learn to make fresh pasta by hand, thanks to the experience of volunteer grandparents from whom they learn the secrets of the perfect tortellino.
Il Tortellante is also an exercise in autonomy to support our youngsters building their lives as adults in order to be independent when their parents will not be alive anymore.
Since 2023, we are supporting pro-bono the growth of this self-financed organization, by carrying out press office activities on traditional and social media, team building activities with companies, as well as supporting the public relations (e.g., UN Conference on Disability) and the growth of their commercial activities.


Genova's San Giorgio Bridge Inauguration

To esatablish RINA's role as project manager of the Genoa San Giorgio Bridge, a multimedia media hub was built with informative and digital contents to amplify and enrich coverage of the event. This included images, drone videos and a time-lapse of the entire project. RINA and its top management were involved in numerous live TV and radio broadcasts, as well as several feature articles in newspapers and magazines.


Raising awareness around blood diseases with “Blood Artists”

The language of street art to tell the stories of sickle-cell anemia and thalassemia patients and promote the importance of blood donation. Blood Artists is the project we have been carrying out for Novartis: 10 graffiti artworks in 4 Italian cities and a dedicated social media campaign involving creators, journalists, patient associations and local authorities.


Create a cleaner world

We designed an integrated communication and stakeholder management project for Reckitt Hygiene Italia to transform its business activities towards a more sustainable and people-centric approach. We worked with all business functions, involving Reckitt people and reliable partners who accompanied us on the path of bringing value back to the territory and people.

Fondazione Telethon
Fondazione Telethon

Advisor for the Fondazione Telehon communication

We are Fondazione Telethon’s Advisors for its stakeholder communication, through a plan of cross-media activities, influencer relations and national and local media relations, in order to support the mission of the Foundation, one of Italy’s leading biomedical charities dedicated to the treatment of rare genetic diseases.